Published On: 2023-12-04

As an LED display used for outdoor advertising, its usage environment requirements are much higher than those of ordinary displays. During the use of outdoor LED displays, due to different environments, they are often affected by severe weather such as high temperatures, typhoons, heavy rains, and lightning. What precautions should we take to ensure that the display screen remains safe in severe weather?

1. High temperature protection

Outdoor LED displays usually have a large area, consume a lot of power during application, and dissipate a corresponding amount of heat. In addition, the outside temperature is high. If the heat dissipation problem cannot be solved in time, it is likely to cause a thermal short circuit on the circuit board. And other issues. During production, ensure that the display circuit board is in good condition, and try to choose a hollow design when designing the casing to help dissipate heat. During installation, it is necessary to keep the display environment well ventilated according to the installation conditions. If necessary, add cooling equipment to the display, such as adding an internal air conditioner or fan to help the display dissipate heat.

2. Protection against typhoons

Outdoor LED displays have different installation locations and installation methods, including wall-mounted, inlaid, column, hanging, etc. Then during the typhoon season, in order to prevent the outdoor LED display screen from falling, there are strict requirements for the load-bearing steel frame structure of the display screen. The engineering unit must strictly design and install in accordance with the typhoon resistance standards, and must also have a certain degree of earthquake resistance to ensure that the outdoor LED display will not fall and cause casualties and other hazards.

3. Protection against heavy rain

There is a lot of rain in the south, so the LED display itself must have a high level of waterproof protection to avoid rain erosion. In an outdoor environment, the outdoor LED display must reach the IP65 protection level. The module must be encapsulated with glue, a waterproof box must be selected, and the module and box must be connected with a waterproof rubber ring.

4. Lightning protection

1. Direct lightning protection: If the outdoor LED large screen is not within the direct lightning protection range of nearby tall buildings, a lightning rod must be installed on or near the top of the steel structure of the display.

2. Induction lightning protection: The outdoor LED display power supply system is equipped with level 1-2 lightning protection, and the signal line is equipped with a signal lightning protector. At the same time, the power supply system of the computer room is equipped with level 3 lightning protection, and the equipment end of the signal entering/exiting the computer room is equipped with Install signal lightning protector.

3. All LED display lines (power and signal) should be shielded and laid underground.

4. The front-end of the outdoor LED display and the computer room grounding system should meet the system requirements. Generally, the front-end grounding resistance should be less than or equal to 4 ohms, and the computer room grounding resistance should be less than or equal to 1 Ω.

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